Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ben is One!

Our baby turned 1 in late July. It's hard to believe. He almost doesn't feel like a baby anymore. Today he is almost 18 months and BUSY. I think that babies are busy from when they start walking (Ben walked before 1) until around 2 1/2. That has always been the magic number with our kids, where things start to click and they really understand the word no (but do they ever fully?), don't go into the street, if I tip this chair it will fall backward, if I throw this spoon it will be taken away for good.

He is happiest when he is in the presence of Katie and Matt. He misses them terribly when they are at school. However, I love that alone time with Ben. We play with his blocks, read 5 books that he is very attached to, in a specific order mind you, roll the ball back and forth and we love playing in Katie and Matt's room while they are at school. They would freak out if they saw what he gets into! He is easy going and always game for whatever the family is going to do, because he has to be! haha! He loves to dance. That is one thing are family does all the time- we dance! We turn the music up loud and get down! I will turn on a CD (such as %100 funk) and if Ben is in a different room, he will come running so fast to dance. It makes us all happy, shakes off the winter ick, gets the kids moving and all of us laughing. Next time you see Matt, ask him to show you the helicopter dance move. It's only a matter of time before Ben will be doing this move with him. He LOVES Matt and already follows right behind him with cars in hand. I wish he loved food, but he is just a peanut! He is only 21 pounds right now! He is just not that into food. So be it... I am sure that will change some day and from what many tell me, someday these teenage boys will be eating all the time! yikes!

Ben is a cuddler! I hope he stays this way forever because l love his hugs!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet baby! (And you have my permission to keep calling him "baby"! I still call Easton that sometimes - and he's 4 now!) All 3 of our kid's birthdays are within 6 weeks of each other, so even though we keep it very simple, it's still a bit of relief when "birthday season" is over. :) Love all the pics!
